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Installing Module Suite Extension Packages

Installation procedure

We will refer to the Content Server installation directory as %OTCS_HOME%

  • Run the Module Suite Content Script Master Installer and install the desired extension packages.
Step-by-step procedure

The following screens will guide you through the Content Script Module Master Installer steps required to install optional extension packages:

  1. Welcome Screen: Select “Next” when ready to start the installation.

  2. EULA Screen: Acceptance of the end-user license agreement is mandatory to proceed with the installation
    A copy of the agreement will be available, upon installation, in:
    %OTCS_HOME%/module/amcontentscript_X_Y_Z/license/EULA Accepting the End User Agreement is mandatory to proceed with the installation.
    Select “Next” when ready.

  3. Components selection:Unselect the OTCS Module component. Select all of the extension components that are to be installed
    Select “Install” when ready.

  4. Installation: The extension packages are automatically installed.
    Select “Next” when the procedure is complete.

Configure the Extension Packages

If you are installing extension packages on an already installed and properly configured Module Suite instance you have to update the module's Base Configuration following the procedure below:

  • Stop and Start Content Server service to let the system load the newly installed Extension Packages

  • Login as Administrator and access the Module administration panel

  • From the Administration Home, select AnswerModules Administration > Base Configuration

  • If necessary, change the core configuration or the configuration of the extension modules.

  • Save the Base Configuration (even in case no changes were applied), and restart the OTCS services if prompted.

Since Module Suite version 3.2.0, updating the Base Configuration settings will only require a service restart for a limited number of options.

This is clearly marked in the Base Configuration UI and/or the documentation specific for the configuration setting.

Please note that whenever a restart is required as a consequence of the config change, the system will prompt to do so.

Rendition Extension Package

What is it?

The rendition extension package allows you to programmatically invoke a third party rendition engine to convert documents from one format to another, the most common use case is to convert HTML documents to PDF documents. Using the rendition extension package, you will be able to convert documents in real time and without interrupting the script execution flow.

The installation procedure for the rendition extension package isn't different from any other extension package, although it requires a couple of additional steps to be completed.

Install the third party rendition engine

The CS Rendition Extension package only provides the API to interface with a third party engine capable of converting documents.

This software is distributed separately by the third party and has to installed separately.

Although potentially compatible with different engines, the rendition extension package is pre-configured and tested to use on of the following options:

  • an open source engine named wkhtmltopdf

  • an open engine AnswerModules R&D Team derived from the open source project Puppeteer named rend

The installation and configuration of the two above mentioned solutions is pretty similar.


  • Follow the software developers instructions to perform the installation on each server in the OTCS cluster on which the extension is needed.
  • Upon a successful installation, the main executable has to be made available to the Content Script Extension Package as a dropin.

    To do so:

    • locate the wkhtmltopdf installation path
    • locate the wkhtmltopdf.exe executable in the folder
    • copy the wkhtmltopdf.exe in the CS Rendition Extension package dropin folder, located in:
  • Configure the Rendition extension package in order to use the wkhtmltopdf executable in the Module Suite Base Configuration

    Section rend

    Configuration Property Configuration Property Value
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.dropin wkhtmltopdf
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.cmdline -B 10 -T 10 -L 5 -R 5 --viewport-size 1920x1080 ${source} --print-media-type --cookie ${cookie} --run-script "am_printFix()" ${destination}
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.timeout 60000
    Configuration Property Configuration Proerty Meaning
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.dropin The relative path to the engine's executable. For security reasons, the root of this path is the extension package's dropin folder.
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.cmdline The template of the command line instruction to be used when performing rendition (**). A few replacement tags can be used in this command line template. (a) ${source} : represent the absolute path for the input resource you want to render. Its value is automatically injected by the rendition extension package. Since the rendition extension package works on Content Script Resources, you do not have to worry about file system housekeeping. (b) ${destination} :represent the absolute path for the output resource, the engine is going to generate. Its value is automatically injected by the rendition extension package. Since the rendition extension package works on Content Script Resources, you do not have to worry about file system housekeeping. c ${cookie} : represent a local authentication cookie
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.timeout the default maximum wait time, in milliseconds, after which a rendition attempt will be aborted.


Please refer to the third-party rendition engine's guide for a detailed explanation of all the available command line parameters


Installation (Windows)

External conversion engine package is provided as a compressed archive The Archive contains following items:

  • chromium – folder containing an up to date version of Chromium engine.
  • rend – pre-built NodeJS application leveraging Puppeteer

To install it:

  • Extract the conversion engine package in the following location:
Installation (Unix)

External conversion engine package is provided as a compressed archive rend.tar.gz. The Archive contains following items:

  • chromium – folder containing an up to date version of Chromium engine.
  • rend – pre-built NodeJS application leveraging Puppeteer
  • run_rend – a script that will be called by the Content Suite and will launch the application

To install it:

  • Extract the conversion engine package in the following location:
       >tar -C <OTHOME>/module/anscontentscript_x_y_0/amlib/rend/dropin -xvf rend.tar.gz
    Note: files inside dropin folder should belong to user that is used to run Content Server service. Thus you can either perform extraction under the OTCS service user or change ownership of the extracted files accordingly.


  • Configure the Rendition extension package in order to use the rend executable in the Module Suite Base Configuration

    Section rend


    Configuration Property Configuration Property Value
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.dropin rend-win
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.cmdline "${source}" --cookie "${cookie}" -p "${destination}" --format A4 --marginBottom 100px --marginTop 120px --marginLeft 30px --marginRight 30px --scale 0.8 --viewport 1240x1754
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.timeout 60000


    Configuration Property Configuration Property Value
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.dropin run_rend
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.cmdline "${source}" --cookie "${cookie}" -p "${destination}" --format A4 --marginBottom 100px --marginTop 120px --marginLeft 30px --marginRight 30px --scale 0.8 --viewport 1240x1754
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.timeout 60000
    Configuration Property Configuration Proerty Meaning
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.dropin The relative path to the engine's executable. For security reasons, the root of this path is the extension package's dropin folder.
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.cmdline The template of the command line instruction to be used when performing rendition (**). A few replacement tags can be used in this command line template. (a) ${source} : represent the absolute path for the input resource you want to render. Its value is automatically injected by the rendition extension package. Since the rendition extension package works on Content Script Resources, you do not have to worry about file system housekeeping. (b) ${destination} :represent the absolute path for the output resource, the engine is going to generate. Its value is automatically injected by the rendition extension package. Since the rendition extension package works on Content Script Resources, you do not have to worry about file system housekeeping. c ${cookie} : represent a local authentication cookie
    amcs.rend.html2pdf.timeout the default maximum wait time, in milliseconds, after which a rendition attempt will be aborted.
    Dropin options

    -“${source}” – replacement tag that will be substituted by the URL to the generated HTML Form. This argument is mandatory and not editable.

    -ck, --cookie [cookie] – value will be replaced by replacement tag that corresponds to the current user’s session cookie. Should be in form “Name Value”. This argument is mandatory and not editable.

    -p, --path \<path> – identifies target PDF file location. Value will be substituted by the replacement tag. This argument is mandatory and not editable.

    -f, --format [format] – PDF option. Paper format. If set, takes priority over width or height options. Defaults to 'Letter'. Available options: Letter, Legal, Tabloid, Ledger, A[0-6].

    -d – Debug is on. If specified debugging information is written to the log file. Use only for debugging purposes. Log file located in \<OTHOME>\logs\cs_rend.log or when running application manually in \<appDir>\log\cs_rend.log

    -mb, --marginBottom [margin] - Bottom margin, accepts values labeled with units.

    -mt, --marginTop [margin] - Top margin, accepts values labeled with units.

    -mr, --marginRight [margin] - Right margin, accepts values labeled with units.

    -ml, --marginLeft [margin] - Left margin, accepts values labeled with units.

    -vp, --viewport [cookie] - PDF option. Set the viewport. Width and height of the page in pixels

    -prt, --printmediatype - Use print media type. Boolean. Default: true.

    -s, --scale [scale] - Scale of the webpage rendering.

    -dhf, --displayHeaderFooter - Display header and footer. Boolean. Default: false.

    -ht, --headerTemplate [template] - HTML template for the print header.

    -ft, --footerTemplate [template] - HTML template for the print footer.

    -pb, --printBackground - Print background graphics. Boolean. Default: true.

    -pr, --pageRanges - Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Defaults to the empty string, which means print all pages.

    -w, --width [width] - Paper width, accepts values labeled with units.

    -h, --height [height] - Paper height, accepts values labeled with units.

    -wu, --waitUntil [choice] - WaitUntil accepts choices load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0, networkidle2. Defaults to 'networkidle2'.

    For more detailed description of the option please refer to official Puppeteer documentation

Content Script Extension for SAP

What is it?

Content Script Extensions for SAP allows to integrate Content Script with the SAP™ ERP through RFCs (Remote Functions Calls).

The integration allows you to perform the following:

  • connect to multiple SAP™ systems through JCo APIs;
  • invoke standard and custom SAP™ functions for retrieving ERP's information;
  • invoke standard and custom SAP functions for updating ERP's information;

SAP™ JCo Library Required

This extension package requires the SAP™ JCo library to be available in the extension repository <OTHOME>/module/anscontentscript_x_y_z/amlib/sap and is certified for use with SAP™ JCo version (3.0.6) when used on OpenText Extended ECM and version (3.0.10) when used on CSP. SAP™ JCo library can be downloaded from SAP™ website.

Extension setup

The Content Scripting extension for SAP is part of the Module Suite bundle.

Below is the step by step guide on how to install the Extensions for SAP. Note: For the general Module Suite and Module Suite Extensions Packages installation procedure please refer to "Installing the suite" section

Installing the Content Script Extension for SAP

Run the Content Script SAP Extension installer and follow the installation wizard steps:

  • Select "Next" when ready to start the installation.


  • Accept all the required license agreements

  • The installer will prompt you for the location of the installed Content Server. Browse to your OTCS_HOME and select "Next".


  • Click "Install" to start the installation

  • The installation of the required libraries will be performed


  • Deploy SSAP™ JCo in the extension package repository: <OTCS_HOME>/module/anscontentscript_2_x_0/amlib/sap. The Content Script extension for SAP relies on SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) to support outbound communication with the SAP Server. SAP JCo relies on a native bridge to implement the communication with the SAP server. This native bridge is implemented by the SAP JCo native library (sapJCo.dll). Both the SapJCo jar file and dll must be copied in the extension package repository.

    To deploy SapJCo library follow this simple procedure:

    • Stop Content Server service

    • Copy library files to the destination mentioned above

    • Start Content Server service

Deploy on clustered environment

In case of a clustered Content Server installation the above steps should be performed on every cluster node.

Installation validation

If the Content Script Extension for SAP has been successfully installed, a new configuration section should appear in the Base Configuration page: admin_base_sap_section.png

Configuration options

List of available parameters specified below:

Configuration Property Configuration Property Meaning Determines whether the existing xECM connection or a custom connection should be used.When set to TRUE the custom destination data provider is used; when set to FALSE the existing configured SAP xECM connection is used. List of the currently active and configured sap extension profiles. As many other extension packages Content Script Extension for SAP allows you to define multiple configuration profiles in order to manage multiple connections towards different systems. Target SAP System server hostname Target SAP System Client number Target SAP System ID Target SAP System username to logon with Target SAP System password for the specified username Language to use for the connection

OpenText Activator

If you have not installed the "OpenText Activator for SAP Solutions" module on your system, you can only use the custom destinations. In this case it is necessary to install the SAP JCo version compatible with your environment.