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Synchronous and Asynchronous callbacks

Since version 1.5, Content Script supports the definition of Event Callbacks: in response to specific actions performed on Content Server, it is possible to execute one or more Content Scripts.

The callbacks can be:

  • synchronous: the script is executed within the same transaction as the triggering action. Synchronous callbacks are configured through the CSSynchEvents container.

  • asynchronous: the triggering action completes normally. The callback script is executed later on. Asynchronous callbacks are configured in the CSEvents container.

Since synchronous callbacks are performed in the same transaction as the event, any errors that occur during script execution will cause the transaction to roll back.


Since synchronous callbacks are executed in the same transaction as the event, make sure that any action performed by the script requires a reasonable time span for execution. Otherwise, the user experience could be affected negatively.

Synchronous Callbacks are disabled by default

Please read the instruction below about how to enable them.

The definition of Content Script callbacks is based on a convention over configuration approach. In order to register a new callback, a script should be placed somewhere in a nested container structure in the CSSynchEvents or CSEvents container, following a specific naming convention.

The first level under the container indicates the object or object subtype to which the callbacks are bound.

The naming convention is one of the following:

  • D<nodeID>

  • S<subtype>

where nodeID identifies the node unequivocally and subtype identifies a specific object subtype on Content Server.


D2000 will intercept events on the Enterprise Workspace

S144 will intercept event on Document type objects (subtype: 144)

The second level should be once again a container and specifies the event type. The name of this container should be one of:

  • ChildNodeAdded

  • ChildNodeCreate

  • NodeAddVersion

  • NodeAddVersionPre

  • NodeCopy

  • NodeCreate

  • NodeCreatePre

  • NodeMove

  • NodeRename

  • NodeUpdate

  • NodeUpdateCategories

Inside the Event Type container it is possible to place one or more Content Scripts that will be invoked when the callback is triggered.

The Module Suite Administration pages feature a Manage Callbacks tool that can be used to verify, at any time, all the callbacks that are bound to a specific object or subtype.

In the following tables we present a summary of the supported Events and the information regarding the variables that are injected in the Execution Context, automatically by the framework, for each event. These variables can be useful to implement the required business logic within the Script.

Event Name Execution Context Param Type Description
All callbackID String The CSEvent Name (NodeAddVersion, NodeUpdateCategories, etc)
eventSourceID Integer The dataid of the node that triggered the event
NodeAddVersion nodeID Integer The document that has received the new version
NodeAddVersionPre nodeID Integer The document that has received the new version
NodeUpdateCategoriesPre nodeID Integer The updated node’s id
addedCategories List The list of added categories
deletedCategories List The list of removed categories
changes ChangeAssoc The list of applied attributes changes. (SEE THE TABLE BELOW FOR DETAILS)
NodeUpdateCategories nodeID Integer The updated node’s id
addedCategories List The list of added categories
deletedCategories List The list of removed categories
changes ChangeAssoc The list of applied attributes changes. (SEE THE TABLE BELOW FOR DETAILS)
NodeCopy nodeID Integer The id of the node that has been copied
newNodeID Integer The newly created node’s id
ChildNodeAdded nodeID Integer The id of the node where a new content has been added
newNodeID Integer The newly created node’s id
NodeCreatePre newNodeID Integer The newly created node’s id
nodeID Integer The newly created node’s id
addedCategories List The list of added categories
deletedCategories List The list of removed categories
changes ChangeAssoc The list of applied attributes changes. (SEE THE TABLE BELOW FOR DETAILS)
NodeCreate newNodeID Integer The newly created node’s id
nodeID Integer The newly created node’s id
addedCategories List The list of added categories
deletedCategories List The list of removed categories
changes ChangeAssoc The list of applied attributes changes. (SEE THE TABLE BELOW FOR DETAILS)
ChildNodeCreatePre nodeID Integer The id of the node where a new content has been added
newNodeID Integer The newly created node’s id
addedCategories List The list of added categories
deletedCategories List The list of removed categories
ChildNodeCreate nodeID Integer The id of the node where a new content has been added
newNodeID Integer The newly created node’s id
addedCategories List The list of added categories
deletedCategories List The list of removed categories
changes ChangeAssoc The list of applied attributes changes. (SEE THE TABLE BELOW FOR DETAILS)
NodeMove nodeID Integer The moved node’s id
NodeRename nodeID Integer The renamed node’s id
oldName (Can be null ) String The previous node’s name
newName String The current node’s name
NodeUpdate nodeID Integer The updated node’s id
NodeRenditionNew nodeID Integer The node's id that received the new rendition
BusinessWorkspaceCreate newNodeID Integer The newly created Business Workspace's id
nodeID Integer The newly created node’s id
BusinessWorkspaceUpdate nodeID Integer This callback is called when the business workspace update is about to complete.
BusinessWorkspaceChangeReference nodeID Integer This callback is called in the context of workspace reference being updated (as in add or change).
BusinessWorkspaceRemoveReference nodeID Integer This callback is called in the context of workspace reference being removed.
BusinessWorkspaceRelationsUpdate nodeID Integer This callback is called in the context of workspace reference being updated (as in add or change).
updateInfo Map A map with keys: childrenAdded, childrenRemoved, parentsAdded, parentsRemoved

The following table is related to the structure of the ChangeAssoc object, necessary to manage NodeUpdateCategories type events.

Property name Type Description
attributePath List The path of the modified attribute inside the category.
{“Name”,0}: represents the path to the first value of the attribute “Name”
{“Name”,1}: represents the path to the second value of the attribute “Name”
{“Addresses”, 2, “ZipCode”, 0}: represents the path to the first value of the attribute ZipCode in the third
occurrence of the Set attribute Addresses
oldValue Dynamic The previous attribute’s value
newValue Dynamic The present attribute’s value
categoryName String The category name

Synchronous Callbacks Configuration

Default Settings

Synchronous callbacks can significantly impact system performance. Therefore, they are disabled by default to ensure system stability.

Enabling Synchronous Callbacks

To enable synchronous callbacks, set the following property: amcs.core.callbackSynchEventsEnabled = true

User-Specific Configuration

In certain scenarios, it's beneficial to exclude specific users from synchronous callbacks, especially those performing bulk jobs. This exclusion helps in maintaining system efficiency and avoiding unnecessary load.

Specifying Excluded Users

  • To exclude users, add their IDs to the amcs.core.callbacksUserIDs property.
  • Multiple user IDs can be specified, separated by commas.
  • Example format: 12345,6789

InterruptCallbackException - transaction roll-backed

There are cases in which you might want your synchronous callback to cause the roll-back of the original event transaction (to prevent its completion), e.g. you implemented a synch-callback triggered by the NodeCreate event and you want to use it to ensure that the node that is going to be created respects some specific business rule, for example, it's a PDF document. In this cases, you can just raise an un-catched InterruptCallback exception from within your callback script.


log.error("Running ${}:${}:${} for $nodeID")
out << "This is the mother of all failures..."
throw new InterruptCallbackException("New Callback Exception...")

Returning meaningful messages to your users

To return a message to your users you have just to add an output statement to your script.