Embed into Smart View


The main purpose of embedding BWF views into Smart View's tiles is to leverage the BWF framework as a primary input mechanism for your next EIM applications. Integrating BWF into Smart View you wont be able to just collect and validate user's input but also to perform complex actions and surface the most relevant business information in highly interactive dashboards.

Create an embeddable WebForms

Creating an embeddable webforms is not different from creating any other webform on the system. The steps are:

  • Create a Form Template object
  • Create a Beautiful WebForm View view associated to the Form Template created in the previous step
  • Using the Beautiful WebForms Form Builder define your form (structure and layout)

The embeddable view template

What makes a Beautiful WebForms view embeddable into the Smart View is the usage of the V3:SmartView Embeddable view template

  • Create a standard Content Server Form object and associate it to the previously created Form Template and Beautiful WebFomr View

How to publish a Webform into a Smart View perspective

In order to publish a WebForm in a Smart View perspective's tile you need either:

ModuleSuite extension for Smart View is installed

  1. A Content Script object (for managing the server side initialization of the form)
  2. An AnswerModules ModuleSuite:Content Script Result perspective tile, configured to use the above script as datasource


ModuleSuite extension for Smart View is not installed

  1. A Content Script object (to mange the server side initialization of the form)
  2. A WebReport to encapsulate the above script execution
  3. An Content Intelligence:HTML WebReport perspective tile, configured to use the above script as Webreport as datasource

ModuleSuite extension for Smart View is installed

If the ModuleSuite extension for Smart View is installed on your system you will be able to leverage the tight integration between ModuleSuite and the OTCS Smart View in order to WebForms in perspective's tiles.

In this case the minimum Content Script required for managing the server side initialization of the form will be:

def formNode = docman.getNodeByPath("Path:To:Your:Form")
form         = formNode.getFormInfo()
view         = formNode.view
form.viewParams.uiParentID = params.uiParentID //The perspective current space

    output:view.renderView(binding, form),     

The configuration of the associated AnswerModules ModuleSuite:Content Script Result will be as simple as:

ModuleSuite extension for Smart View is not installed

If the ModuleSuite extension for Smart View is not installed on your system you will not be able to leverage the tight integration between ModuleSuite and the OTCS Smart View in order to WebForms in perspective's tiles, thus you will need an additional WebReport object in order to encapsulate the execution of the Content Script data source.

In this case the minimum Content Script required for managing the server side initialization of the form will be:

gui.gui = false
def formNode = docman.getNodeByPath("Path:To:Your:Form")
form         = formNode.getFormInfo()
view         = formNode.view
out << view.renderView(binding, form)   

While the minimum WebReport required to encapsulate the execution of the above script will be:

[LL_REPTAG_'123456' RUNCS /] [// Script ID

The configuration of the associated Content Intelligence:HTML WebReport will be as simple as: