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Installing on a clustered environment

Installation approach

In a Content Server cluster environment, it is mandatory to install Module Suite modules on each node that makes up the cluster. The installation process in a cluster is more complex than installing on a single server, as a slightly different procedure must be performed on each remaining node in the cluster after installing the modules on the first one. The recommended approach is to install Module Suite on a primary node (the node on which the primary Opent Text Admin Content Server services are installed and configured) and then copy the installed modules to each node in the cluster. This approach ensures that all installed modules are identical and that the patch level on all nodes is the same.

We will refer to the Content Server installation directory as %OTCS_HOME%.

Deployment on the primary node

Module Suite package installation on a primary node is identical to the installatoin process into the non-clustered environment.

Installation procedure

  • Stop Content Server services on all the node of the cluster but the primary one

  • Deploy Content Server Modules

Detailed description of this step can be found in Deploy Content Server Modules section.

  • Install Content Server Modules

Detailed description of this step can be found in Deploy Content Server Modules section.

  • Apply hotfixes on the Primary node

To apply hotfixes please follow the steps on a page Applying HotFixes

  • Secondary node(s) installation

Once the Module Suite modules are installed on the primary node, the module packages can be deployed on the remaining cluster nodes.

  • Primary node: Make a copy of the following resources and make them available in a working folder on the secondary node:

    1. %OTCS_HOME%/module/anscontentscript_x_x_x
    2. %OTCS_HOME%/module/ansbwebform_x_x_x
    3. %OTCS_HOME%/module/anscontentsmartui_x_x_x
    4. %OTCS_HOME%/support/anscontentscript
    5. %OTCS_HOME%/support/ansbwebform
    6. %OTCS_HOME%/support/anscontentsmartui
  • Secondary node: Stop Content Server\u2019s services

  • Secondary node: Run the Module Suite Master Installer and unpack: Content Script, Beautiful WebForms, Smart Pages modules and all the desired Module Suite Extension packages.

  • Secondary node: Remove extracted files form the staging folder:

    1. %OTCS_HOME%/staging/anscontentscript_x_x_x
    2. %OTCS_HOME%/staging/ansbwebform_x_x_x
    3. %OTCS_HOME%/staging/anscontentsmartui_x_x_x
  • Secondary node: Copy the modules and support folders

  • Reconcile the opentext.ini (with particular reference to the [Modules] section) file in %OTCS_HOME%/config

  • Start the Content Server\u2019s services

  • Any node: Continue with Modules Suite installation and configuration. Once modules are installed on all instances in the Content Server environment it is possible to contine with the configuration. Configuration is performed in a Browser on any server in the environment.

For configuration steps please refer to Installing the Suite page.