Content Script editor

Content Script objects can be edited with the dedicated web-based IDE selecting the 'Editor' function in the object function menu. The function is also available as a promoted function.

The web-based IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Content Script appears as follows:

Content Script editor


The following keyboard shortcuts are available while using the editor:

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + S Save the current script (add a new version)
Ctrl + H Toggle the online Help window
Ctrl + F Open the ‘Search’ tools panel
Ctrl + Shift + F Open the ‘Search and Replace’ tools panel
Ctrl + Space Show the code autocompletion hints
Ctrl + J Trigger the execution in the test frame
Ctrl + P Inject the full path of the selected node in the Content Script editor

Top Bar controls (DEVELOPER)

Command Description
Save the script (adds a new version)
Open the object’s Versions tab
Close the Content Script Editor
Erases the last change done
Opposite of Undo
Change the script’s associated icon
Display the last 200 lines of the ModuleSuite’smaster log file
Run the script in the current window (CTRL + J)
Save the script and run it, showing the result in the editor’s bottom panel
Access the module’s online guide and the support portal
Red label: The script failed the validation and most likely will fail to compile
Green label: The script is well-formed

Top Bar controls (ADMINISTRATOR)

Command Description
Save the script (adds a new version)
Toggle script scheduling
Toggle script advance scheduling mode
Toggle re-scheduling abortion on script’s execution error
Select the user that will be always used to run the script
Clear impersonation setting
Manage Log
Trigger ModuleSuite’s master log rotation
Trigger ModuleSuite’s master log download


The Content Script Editor features a code completion assistant functionality. While typing use the ctrl + space key combination to retrieve the suggested values.

In some cases the Content Script’s inference engine might not be capable of determining the actual type of the expression you are trying to auto-complete. In these cases the auto-complete feature will prompt you to firstly specify the type against which the auto-completion should be performed and then will switch to the standard behaviour.

If the actual type (class) of your expression is not listed among the results you can still specify the fully qualified class name to autocomplete against that class: e.g. (java.lang.String)

List of the most common API objects returned by Content Script APIs

Content Script API Objects
ACSBrowseViewRowProvider CSMemberImpl CSRMRecordTemplate
AMBWFWidgetsLib CSMemberPrivilegesImpl CSRMRecordTraits
AdlibJobResult CSMemberRightImpl CSRMUserFunctions
CSANSTemplateFolderImpl CSMenu CSRMXReference
CSAssignmentImpl CSMenuItem CSReportImpl
CSAttachmentImpl CSMilestoneImpl CSReportResultImpl
CSBeautifulWebFormViewImpl CSMilestoneInfoImpl CSResourceImpl
CSBrowseViewAddItemButton CSNewsBuilderImpl CSScriptImpl
CSBrowseViewColumn CSNewsImpl CSSearchQueryBuilderImpl
CSBrowseViewMultiItemButton CSNodeAuditDataPageImpl CSSearchResultImpl
CSBrowseViewRow CSNodeAuditRecordImpl CSSetAttributeImpl
CSCategoryFolderImpl CSNodeImpl CSShortcutImpl
CSCategoryImpl CSNodePageImpl CSSpreadsheet
CSCategoryTemplateImpl CSNodeResultImpl CSSubMenu
CSChannelImpl CSNodeRightImpl CSTaskBuilderImpl
CSCollectionImpl CSNodeRightsImpl CSTaskGroupImpl
CSCompoundDocImpl CSPDFFormField CSTaskGroupInfoImpl
CSCompoundDocReleaseImpl CSProjectImpl CSTaskImpl
CSDiscussionImpl CSProjectInfoImpl CSTaskInfoImpl
CSDiscussionItemImpl CSProjectPartecipantsImpl CSTaskListImpl
CSDocumentImpl CSProjectRoleUpdateInfoImpl CSTaskListInfoImpl
CSEmailImpl CSRMClassification CSUnreadInfoImpl
CSEmailMessage CSRMClassificationTypes CSUrlImpl
CSExportOptionsImpl CSRMField CSUserImpl
CSFTPFile CSRMFieldsInfo CSVersionImpl
CSFolderImpl CSRMHold CSVirtualFolderImpl
CSFormImpl CSRMHoldDistribution CSWebReportImpl
CSFormTemplateDefinitionImpl CSRMHoldDoc CSWordDoc
CSFormTemplateImpl CSRMHoldPage CSWorkPackageImpl
CSGenerationImpl CSRMProvenance CSWorkflowAssignedTaskImpl
CSGroupImpl CSRMRSIRetention CSWorkflowAttachmentsImpl
CSImportOptionsImpl CSRMRecord CSWorkflowAttributesImpl
CSWorkflowAuditRecordImpl CSWorkflowCommentsImpl CSWorkflowFormDataImpl
CSWorkflowInstanceImpl CSWorkflowMapImpl CSWorkflowQueryBuilderImpl
CSWorkflowSearchHandleImpl CSWorkflowStartDataImpl CSWorkflowFormsImpl
CSWorkflowTaskActionsImpl CSWorkflowTaskCommentImpl CSWorkflowTaskDetailsImpl
CSWorkflowTaskImpl CSWorksheet FTPConfigProfile
FieldInfo Form GCSAdlibJob
GCSCategory GCSTableOfContents GCSWatermark
LDAPConnection NodeListRowProvider PDFOverlayText
PDFWaterMark SQLQueryRowProvider SampleContextAwareObject
SampleObject SearchResultRowProvider SinglePageRowProvider

Code Validation

Every time a change is made to the script, a code validator attempts to check the formal correctness of the code. A validation status icon placed on the bottom right side of the working area will show the result of the validation. Code that fails the validation status check will most likely contain formal errors and will fail to compile correctly, if executed.

Versions tab

Content Script objects are subject to versioning on Content Server, just like any other document-class object. Every time the Content Script is saved in the IDE, a new version is created.

Older versions of the Script can be opened in the Script Editor for editing. If saved, a new (latest) version will be created.

Code Snippet library

In order to simplify the creation of new scripts, a library of pre-configured ready-to-use code snippets is available in the Script Editor.

Snippets are grouped in families of objects with similar features. In order to use a snippet in Content Script:

  1. Navigate the library until you find the suitable snippet

  2. Place the cursor in the Working Area location where you wish to place the code

  3. Click on the snippet to open the Configuration Panel

  4. The code snippet could contain place-holders for some configuration variables (for example, in case of a “create document” snippet, a configurable option could be the target container where to create the document.) In this case, configure the variables as required.

  5. Click Save. The resulting code will be placed at the location of the cursor in the working area.

once the code is placed in the working area, it can be further modified as necessary.

Online Help

The Content Script IDE features two different online help guides:

  • The complete API Reference (accessible with the Ctrl + H shortcut)

  • The Content Script Module Help (accessible through the standard Content Server Help, or through the “Help” button in the Top Bar of the IDE)

The Content Script API Reference can be toggled in a navigable panel on the right side of the screen and describes the programming interfaces of all objects and services that are available in the Content Script context. A more thorough description of the available APIs is presented in the following sections.